Saturday, August 8, 2009

381:Which Brand History

The name "_______" was introduced in 1879 by the entrepreneur Randi Ptolemy Lars Olsson Smith.Smith introduced fractional distillation that produces liquor without fusel alcohol in Sweden in 1877, under the name "Tiodubbelt Renadt Bränvin" which meant Tenfold Purified Vodka.Smith challenged the city of Stockholm's liquor marketing monopoly with his vodka.It was sold at a lower price than the monopoly's product, just outside the city border.Smith even offered free boat rides to the distillery and "Rent Bränvin" made Smith a fortune.In 1917, the alcohol industry in Sweden was monopolized by the Swedish government.In 1979, the old name _______ was picked up when the upper-price range _______ Vodka was introduced.Renat is still a euphemism for spirits in Sweden, and the name of another vodka product by Vin & Sprit.

Ans:Absolut Vodka