Tuesday, March 31, 2009

4: Result of Merger

In March 2000 what was the result of the merger between Confinity and X.com.

Ans: Paypal

Rohan Sawlani, Rohit Kedia & Roshan cracked it.

3: Identify the Person

Quite New

This is:
Fritz Henderson , CEO G.M. (NYSE: GM)

Rohan Salwani & Rohit Kedia got it right.

2: Identify the Logo

BrawnGP all the way... (identify the logo!)

This is the logo of Henri Lloyd.
Thw newly formed BrawnGP's clothing supplier.

Monday, March 30, 2009

1: CEO & The Company

Identify The CEO & The Company

This is Sanjay K. Jha
Co-CEO, Motorola (NYSE:MOT)

Dish.Gill Inc.

This is a plaform by Dishant Rituraj & Sanchit for exchanging knowledge and interesting information. We welcome you all to our blog. Please answer in Comments/Answer(s).

Team Dish.Gill.